Author: Cyndi Foster
Many people confuse meekness with humility. Humility is the submission of ones will, actions and thoughts to God. True humility is revealed by our dependence upon the Holy Spirit. It has nothing to do with our personality, finances, gifts or talents. Humility comes as God reveals our own deceitful hearts, which causes us to understand the pain we have brought (usually unintentionally) into the lives of others. Sincere repentance from evil (even masquerading as good) fills our souls and we become broken and contrite. We see our need for forgiveness and then forgiving others becomes second nature. We no longer judge others because we have seen ourselves. .
Self-righteousness causes us to focus on changing the behavior of others (and ourselves). As we see our own hearts with true humility we will recognize our inadequacies to change anyone’s behavior. Our focus will become Jesus centered. Then we can understand that God desires a heart change that only His Spirit can bring about through true repentance. We each need to examine our own hearts: Do you focus on the behavior of others or do you ask God to change their hearts. In your own life, do you try to change your own behavior or do you ask God to change your heart. When God changes and heals a heart, then the person’s behavior will line up with the ways of God.
Meekness is the response of someone who trusts God with their vulnerability. At the fall of mankind, the human race became vulnerable. Vulnerable is the state of being open to injury. The enemy will use people and situations to injure us. We have learned to protect ourselves, and these methods of self-protection cause us to be self-reliant. The word “self” is the culprit here. We depend upon self instead of God. Meekness is the fruit of someone who walks with God in such dependence (humility) that they trust the Lord with every offense that comes their way. Jesus revealed true meekness and humility when He went to the cross. He was wounded and ridiculed yet He never relied upon “self” to make the way of escape. Though fully able to release the power of heaven to stop the enemy from the attack, He trusted the Father to fulfill His will. All the way to the grave, Jesus depended upon the Father to raise Him from the grave. Jesus refused to be provoked to react. That is true meekness.
True meekness and humility can only be developed in the life of a believer. As we spend time in the presence of God, and studying His Word, we will begin to know His ways. Our trust and love for Him will increase. As we walk through the trials of life, our faith will be perfected and we will see fear lose it’s power to keep us captive to the lies of the enemy. My personal prayer is for God to work in my heart His truth and that He will heal the broken places and deliver me from all evil that I took into my life to deal with my vulnerability. I desire to be free from evil, to be holy for He is holy. For in this holiness I will see the Lord. In His righteousness I will boldly run to the throne of grace and find all the power needed to bring me into victory. What a Jesus we serve, who paid the price with His own life for us to be free from the kingdom of darkness. What a Heavenly Father who would love us so much as to create us in His image. And what a wonderful teacher and counselor, the Holy Spirit, to lead us into all truth.
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