Author: Sidney Nazare
ART FROM HEAVEN by Sidney Nazare
Astonishing Physical Download from Heaven
Dear xpmedia.com-readers,
As I began reading the bible for the first time in 2010, starting at the beginning of the NT with Matthew, I had the intention that God would really speak to me through his word. Before I could read the first sentence I felt like an electric impulse going right through my head and tears suddenly shot out of my eyes, although I was not crying at all – at the same time a peace came over me, that was not of this world – a joy within me, that exceeded everything I had ever experienced. I was so excited, that I read for hours before going to sleep. Waking up the next morning I remembered that I had unusual pleasant and peaceful dreams throughout the night – sort of dreams I unfortunately never had before. I continued reading the word of God day after day – and so did the supernatural, e. g. when shaving before going to work and looking into the mirror, I noticed that my eyes looked so different, as if a veiling had been removed. Shortly after these amazing things had taken place, I confessed that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and asked the Holy Spirit to come and dwell in me – also asking him to take over the steering wheel as I wanted to lean back – and let him guide and lead me. I then found a bible based and spirit lead church - here I received spiritual food and could also grow through the friendships with fellow believers – and I could experience the tangible presence of God and an open heaven in the midst of the worship. I had many amazing encounters during the church meetings. I then joined a life group, served in church, started speaking and singing in the heavenly language and also desired to be baptized.
End of 2012, after two and a half years of a rather performance driven consuming-mode, I started to set time apart with the Lord in the morning – especially bringing my inner dialogue and any external distractions to zero - just enjoying the quiet time and the nearness - desiring to lean my head on Gods heart - not expecting anything - just intimacy and love in a divine stillness - in the center of the trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
After practicing the quiet time I read the daily portion of my one-year-bible. One morning the selected daily quote of the day was shining in a very bright and unusual silver in the background - I was absolutely stunned - and kept looking at it intensely as it was a special kind of silver. Then I closed the bible - later on I looked into the bible again and the silver background was not there anymore. The highlighted scripture was the following:
The Lord is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guiltygo unpunished. He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm. The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet. (Nahum 1:3)
A few days later after the quiet time and reading the in the one-year-bible I noticed that I had 5 very small silver square pieces in the bible - spread across the Scripture of Zephaniah 2:11-3:20 + Revelation 10. I closed the bible and opened it later again and the silver pieces were still there - and I could touch and move them. The first thing that came to my mind was that something would be written on them and I should purchase a microscope. When looking through the microscope I could read different numbers and also letters on the silver border - this was absolutely amazing. But also looking at the overall picture of the silver pieces is amazing - I had absolutely no doubt that this is not of this world, but straight from heaven. Each silver piece has a surface - and on the other side it is like looking into a 3-dimensional cube – almost like looking into a swimming pool from the top. It is also active or alive as there is like hair or thread in gold and other colors growing out. On the top I can sometimes see something invisible or the outline of it. When looking at the pieces for a longer time, I could even see faces of people - unfortunately some reminded me of people caught up eternally in hell.
Each square piece is very beautiful and unique. The 3 pictures below give you a first impression - I plan to get additional equipment in the near future in order to make snapshots with a much higher resolution, coming closer to the pictures when looking through the microscope.
When receiving the square pieces I had the thought over and over again of a spacious exhibition room where the silver pieces are shown live via beamer at the wall, attracting people to come inside - 24/7 IHOP-worship music is playing and God is present/living in his worship and the angelic hosts are all around the place - people are coming in and are getting set free and healed ...body, spirit and soul - Christian brothers and sisters are there to minister to people. Even if the pictures attract people, Jesus is in the center of all of this - and all the Glory goes to God. I trust that God will make a way to share the beauty of these heavenly manifestations in an appropriate way. I am confident that people will be touched by the hand of God and we will just love everybody into the Kingdom.
In July I had a vision of sitting at a desk and then suddenly out of nowhere it was full of these heavenly square pieces - hundreds or a thousand at least. Beginning of August I received another square piece during worship at my church - it appeared while I was turning the pages of my bible at Job 38:16.
I intend to set up an internet site in the near future, which I will announce on my Facebook-page (Sidney Nazaré) – please feel free to connect with me. CONNECT WITH SIDNEY
I hope this message encourages you and you like the physical downloads from heaven as well.
God bless you, Sidney J
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Eutimia Flatt 11 years ago