Author: Cyndi Foster
I suggest you study the book of Romans in the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you His ways. You must desire to put off the “old man” and his attraction to lustful activities. Lust is a word that refers to being led by what feels good or will temporary satisfy a fleshly craving. We need to crucify our sin nature by renewing our thinking with the Word of God, and then yielding to the divine work of sanctification manifested in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Just choose to absolutely say “no” to what God calls sin and “yes” to what He says in His Word should be in your life. If something in you wants to say “yes” to the temptation of sin, then recognize that something is warring in your soul and body to keep you captive to your old sin nature. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the wounded places in your heart. He will bring truth to those memories and wholeness to your spirit. Jesus declares that He came to heal the broken hearted. You must only yield to the Holy Spirit, making that a reality in your heart and soul.
If a believer desires to live for fleshly pleasure, and refuses to obey the Word of God and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, then hardness will come over his heart. The deceit of sin causes many to live unfruitful and worldly lives. Sickness, financial problems, and relationship issues can all arise when we have been deceived by sin. You should ask someone who will be truthful with you to help you analyze your walk with God. You need to ask God to forgive you and invite the Holy Spirit to be your sanctifier. If you would go back to whenever you avoided the convicting voice of the Lord, and started feeling that God was not answering your prayers, you will find the starting place for reconnecting with the Holy Spirit. Though He is faithful even when we are not, and He never leaves us or forsakes us, we still need to repent for grieving Him and ask for a new start.
So my practical advice would be to yield your life and body to the Holy Spirit. Count yourself dead to sin and refuse to give in to temptation. Actually, avoid anything that the enemy could use to draw you into sin. Spend time in fellowship with the Lord. Read the Word and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you as you study to know what God has to say on every subject. Have fellowship with believers who hunger and thirst for a deeper relationship with God, and separate yourself from unbelievers- especially those who encourage you to participate in sinful activities.
I encourage you to find a church or fellowship of people who desire to please God and know how to trust the Holy Spirit to work in their lives. I highly recommend that you find teachers who will help you tear down lies that keep you in unbelief and hatred. Listen to teachers and pastors who teach the Word of God and not their own opinions. Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you longing to fully understand the Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus. I pray you find freedom from the mentality of working to please God, and that you enter into the revelation of being adopted by God into His family. You will then understand that you are unconditionally loved by God. Once your intimate relationship has been established, powerful works will happen through your obedience to the Holy Spirit’s leading.
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