Author: Deborah J. Kingdollar
This is what I heard in my heart this morning:’ there is a legend of the Phoenix rising out of the ashes. So it is with My church. Many of you have had a breaking down, a tearing away to the point you thought you were almost destroyed. I will replace you shaky foundation with Me, my love. Where there was despair, I will bring hope, where there was death, I bring My resurrection life. You will rise up from the ashes of your past into the freedom of My love! Freedom and newness in all areas of your lives!'' 10/07/13
This is what I am hearing in my heart today: "Are you willing to be made whole? To live in my Resurrection power? To be whole means to be complete in me. If you are whole than you choose to believe that my whole Word is true and that I am faithful to perform what I say. I want you to walk in a new level of my anointing. Walk in healing, signs and wonders. Believe that you can pray and heal others. Believe that you can raise the dead to life. Learn to use your spiritual eyes to see where I am moving. You will see my Presence hovering over a child of mine. Be bold, go and pray for that person! Others will see my presence shining on you; they will be drawn to my life in you. You can bring my Zoe life to all you meet. Listen for my voice today and go bring my freedom to the lost!"
By Deborah Kingdollar - dkingdol@yahoo.com
I was in my car tonight driving home and just worshiping Jesus and loving on him. I told him, “I can't do anything without you Lord, you are my everything". All of the sudden, his love started pouring over me. And I heard in my heart, “you know when grapes get crushed, there is a beautiful odor. So it is when my children come humbly before me and just want to be with me. So sweet is the fragrance of your heart. Humility mixed in with pure love and gratitude ravishes my heart." Right now I want to weep, so overwhelmed and undone with his love. Then I saw in my heart, Jesus giving me a hug. And it seemed as if I was in heaven, surrounded by many believers from all walks of life, dancing, laughing, singing, being free and full of joy in the presence of Father God. The love he is perfect and surpasses anything on earth. Soon, my friends, we will be with him. Fully free and fully alive enjoying his love, being with him forever!
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