Author: Mark Virkler
Background to the Journaling: Earlier in the day my son Ben had sent me a little video of his children playing in the park and they were in a little play castle and his three year old boy Blaize was pretending to sell and buy ice cream through the castle window . As I closed my eyes to see where He was, Jesus and I were standing watching them, and He said:
Margaret, when the children were playing at selling and buying ice cream, they were imitating things that they had seen before.
As we saw what they were doing with the eyes of the spirit, we could almost see them performing a prophetic act. Blaize was giving away something that he couldn’t see, that something in his imagination he had. They were having fun and laughing and it wasn’t a big deal for them.
Margaret, when you want to grow in delivering My power, be like those children. Just act out what you see Me do in the Scripture. ...Imagine it. See yourself doing it.
Never make delivering my power a big deal; never make it intense or serious. Keep smiling and look at Me. Get My wisdom and get My perspective on it. After all, it’s not about you, is it? It’s about Me – ALL about Me. You are simply to reach into the treasure house of My glory within you and by faith pull out what you need.
Read again the accounts of My miracles, use your imagination and see yourself doing them. See yourself doing the greater works that I have called you to do
Tony and Margaret Cornell are the United Kingdom Representatives of CWG Ministries.
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