Up to this moment, maybe you have read many prophetic words targeting the issue of the plague coronavirus. Thank God for all the encouraging words and devotions, God is the God of all comfort and he surrounds us with his generous word. So why read another prophetic word about coronavirus? I believe because God does things in levels, layers, and progression. This word is now timely because it tracks the movement of God concerning this issue. Moses had to strike Pharaoh ten times until he was totally and perfectly demolished by the power of God.  

If you are an intercessor you can understand very well the concept of rhythm and momentum in prayer until the dawn of any breakthrough. But not many can see it and deal with it in this manner. Now, where is God in all that? If you are a born again believer and Christ lives in you by his Spirit, then God is where you are! The question is this: Are you at the center of what God wants to do about it and how he sees it? This is a good place here to repent, to shift your mind and align with Heaven’s authority because it is available! 

God wants to use YOU! I think I can hear you saying: “me?” YEP, YOU! OK, now I see you a little bit encouraged, rolling up your sleeves ready to hear how you can be helpful in this time of crisis. I am glad you are reading this word for such a time as this. God didn’t miss your address because by his grace he is entrusting you including me to extend THE ARM of his salvation. Didn’t he initiate an intercession session with Abraham with the intention to save? JESUS, YESHUA means God saves and he will forever be faithful to his nature. Can you connect your faith today to his willing nature? 

This word is not to give you prayer directives or to tell you some formulas about how God wants to use you to save the world. This is to mobilize you in kingdom ruling and reigning with Christ. You have a purpose, a strategy, something special hidden in the Lord, find about it and activate it! Maybe you are participating in prayer groups, maybe you are comforting someone one on one to get over his fears and to trust the Lord, and maybe you are funding some scientists for their researches. Everything is spiritual when Holy Spirit leads you to do it, never underestimate it. 

The giant of the body of Christ is rising big time. Jesus is the hope of glory but he will stay ineffective to the world until the moment we release him.   

Grab your journal, be silent before the Lord, write down what he directs you to do and be effective!

Tony Francis
Founder of Healed Nations Ministries

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