Author: Mark Virkler
This testimony is from Karen Smith, a graduate-level student at Christian Leadership University:
Even though I had been through the training on 4 keys to hearing God’s voice before, I am so glad that I took the Communion With God course on the graduate level!
When I asked God about taking this class to finish my degree, He gave me a vision of my favorite spot at Yellowstone, which is the view from the Red Rock Trail of the Lower Falls.
Why are You showing me this location?
I know this is one of your favorite places to visit!
Yes, it is!
How many times have you been there?
Six times! I never tire of visiting Yellowstone!
Think of how your previous visits affected your last visit. You were not spending your energy on trying to find the right trail or even the right view of the falls. You knew where to go and what do, so your focus could be on enjoying where you were and experiencing the place.
How does this relate to taking this class now?
Coming to material that you are familiar with already gives you an opportunity to go deeper than you did before. You will also interact with the material in a different way depending on the questions that you are asking in your heart.
End of two-way journaling
Taking Communion with God at the graduate level with Christian Leadership University helped me to go deeper into each key to hearing God's voice. I also traveled through the material with the question in my mind of how I would share these teachings with others. I will be forever grateful for all that God taught me as I traveled again through these lessons.
Beginning March 16th, 2022 - Free video series on Hearing God Through Your Dreams.
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