Author: Ken Day
My people, stand up and let my spirit break the demonic stronghold in your life. This stronghold is the stronghold of poverty. You are not called to be in poverty.
You are called to create wealth. Stand up and follow my word. Listen to the prophets of finance. I have sent them to my people to create wealth.
Satan and his minions are out and about trying to make you think poor and be poor.
I have called you to abundant life. This life is one of prosperity. A prosperity of use and need. You are to use your wealth to feed the poor and teach the poor about me and my wealth, my mansions, my heavenly temple and all its splendor.
Look to Solomon for wealth and its creation. He sought wisdom and I gave it to him. My people, seek for wisdom to break the back of poverty on your life. I have the spirit of wisdom to give. Ask of me and I will give you the heavens and the nation. The nations are yours to ask for and you shall receive. Seek me and you will find me. You will find my love. This love will make you wealthy. When you come to me for the wisdom to change the world, I will give wealth for my purposes. I will break the stronghold of poverty with my wisdom and love.
My people, listen very carefully. I want to make you wise to create wealth to bring others into my kingdom. This wealth will be a healing to my people. It will feed poor children and their parents. It will build hospitals and train my doctors for health and healing. It will disciple the nations of the world. I am looking for my people to believe I am a God of prosperity. My prosperity will disciple entrepreneurs for breakthrough to a hurt and dying world.
This world needs my son and I send my spirit upon a particular people. I am looking for men and women to be prophets of finance to teach others how to create my wealth for my people. My people, stand up and ask of me the heavens and you will receive more than that. More than you can believe. I will give you the wisdom if you will come and learn of me and my spirit.
Break the yoke of the demonic stronghold on your finances. Today is the day of your salvation. I ask you, my people, will you say, "Here I am, send me as financial prophets to the nations"? How will you respond? Will you say these are merely a man’s words, or will you read, listen, pray and see if these words of financial prophecy are from me? Test them. Ask of me and I will respond and send you on a journey to produce wealth for my kingdom.
My children stand up and remember you own nothing. I own it all. The cattle on a thousand hills. The gold is mine. The silver is mine. The diamonds are mine. The wealth system of the world was what satan tempted Jesus with. Why would my son have given in to that temptation? Why would you give in to that temptation? It a demonic stronghold. Use my word to break the back of worldly greed.
Allow my voice to lead you to true wealth and the production thereof. Stand up now. Stop and pray. Get on your knees and allow me to transform your thoughts about wealth. Repent of the world’s way and turn and allow me to transform you into one of my prophets for the betterment of all the world.
My peace I give you and my love will transform your mind. Accept my calling on your life and today will never be the same for you. Today if you hear my voice cross over to the Promised Land.
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