Author: Jason Westerfield
By, Jason Westerfield
What does it say will happen in the end times? In the end times, the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. What did Isaiah say in Isaiah 6, when he was caught up before the throne and heard all of the seraphim speaking? The whole earth IS full of the glory of God! One says it is coming, where the one from heaven's perspective says it already is. If the Kingdom of heaven is at hand and Jesus brought in the inauguration of that and made it visible, demonstrating the Kingdom, then "as it is in heaven" is at hand, which is the glory. Do you know that you are made in the image and likeness of the glory? You are made in the image and likeness of the King of Glory!
Do you know when you are truly being yourself and walking in union with God you'll be walking like Adam, who was in communion with God, and was manifesting the glory of God. This is when you are truly being yourself, because it is no longer you who lives, but Christ in you, the hope of glory. God is hoping the glory that is within you will come forth and be seen in all the earth while, like Adam, you work a day job. We can do normal everyday things but shine the light in world. God wants to fill this earthen vessel (me and you) with the fullness of His Holy Spirit because the Kingdom of heaven is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of heaven, Luke 17 says, "is within you."
The Bible also says that "you've received the gift and promise of the Holy Spirit." He is inside of you. God wants us to grow up as mature sons and daughters of God that we would properly represent the Father everywhere we go. We are to reveal and manifest His Kingdom, and even more than manifest, we are to establish His Kingdom over whole nations. Do you know that we are to disciple the nations? That's a big calling! Imagine whole nations looking like heaven. Do you realize how huge that is? Jesus said go into all the world and do this! That's a pretty big vision! That is huge! It says that the "whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory." According to this, it is really not the glory that is holding things up. In other words, it is not God holding things up. It is the knowledge of the glory. The glory is already here; it is already available. Do you know how much more will be manifested and demonstrated in this realm? This will increase when those that have the knowledge of the glory put what they have into action and walk intimately with God. When this happens, more glory will be revealed.
So what are we really dying of? It is a lack of knowledge. What are we really lacking? Not just words, but revelatory knowledge. We don't just want to be able to read the bible and quote it, but we want revelation in our heart in which truth becomes reality. That's what I call "Kingdom reality." That's what I call "a veil being torn in the mind" of Christ's body. We see something from heaven's perspective, from heaven to earth. Then what happens is that truth becomes normal, as it actually is. Then as you are free to be who you are, you will manifest that truth because that is who you are. That is your worldview, your paradigm, your context. The old way you viewed things, through darkened understanding and ignorance, is removed. Once it gets removed, that area that was once gray suddenly turns to black and white. You now have discernment; you know what is and what isn't, you know good from evil. You don't eat from the tree of knowledge, you eat from the tree of life. Then, from what you know and you being free to be who you are, God can then work with you within that area that He has revealed to you, and you can manifest Christ. This is revealing the mysteries of God. Paul said that he was a steward of the mysteries of God. We are stewards of the mysteries of God.
How many of you reading this know Jesus as the Forgiver of your sins and the Savior of your soul? Can you lead someone to the Lord and watch them manifestly get saved? Didn't He already forgive them over 2,000 years ago? But because you know who He is, as well as the name and nature of Forgiver, you can then access that of what's already in you. Pray, and with faith, put that word into action. What happens? The Kingdom of Heaven comes, and the person gets taken from the kingdom of darkness, into the Kingdom of Light.
Everything we need is within this Kingdom message. Let His Kingdom Come on Earth.
Suggested Resource: Kingdom Power Pack - CD set
Jason Tyler Westerfield is an equipper in the body of Christ. He is known for his intimacy and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, keen prophetic insight into personal and international issues, and the demonstrations of God's power.
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