Pastor Missy Beik teaches on 'Different kinds of Angels'
This is the second message in the angels series and Pastor Missy teaches through the Scriptures...
The Kingdom
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches how Jesus opened his ministry by announcing,...
Pastor Missy Beik Teaches on 'The New Blood Covenant'
The New Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ empowers us according to 1Peter to sprinkle the blood of...
Finding A Door Of Hope
A survivor of childhood sexual abuse begins the conference by talking about her experience and...
Walk in the Spirit part3
Let the Holy Spirit Fire cleanse you of selfishness so you can be used by God.
Sound of Heaven
Before the throne is a sound only found in the atmosphere of heaven, but did you know we can...
Find God's Treasure in Your Relationships
Looking for God's treasures in your everyday relationships.
Come into the Ark part2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares on the new rain and flood of the Holy Spirit...
The Mystery part 5
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on "The Mystery". He teaches that...
The Life of Daniel
At Love Gospel Church,Pastor Mike Harding traces the life of Daniel through the bible. He...
Top 4 things Jesus Taught His Disciple #2 Kingdom part 1
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, shares about Jesus brought a kingdom instead of a...
Pastor Missy: 'Gifts of Healing: Faith Brings Healing'
Pastor Missy continues teaching on the Gifts Of Healing. Through 2 examples we understand that...
Christ Formed In You
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, explains how we have Christ in us, but we are also...
Heart Conditions
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches about four heart conditions. Anger, pride,...
Bold as Lions part 5
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, continues to teach on being bold. He explains we...
How the Devil and Demons Operate
Pastor Missy teaches on fear and doubt, they are not an emotion but a spirit from the enemy that...
Proverbs College for Kings, part4
A continuation of a teaching on the themes and wisdom of Proverbs that train us on how to live...
Socker Moms
Julie Meyer shares prophetic insight regarding a dream she had God using socker mom's in a...