God Uses Animals (Kids)
Becky Fischer teaches kids how to hear and obey God's voice learning what message God is...
Ways God Speaks (Kids)
Simple but powerful visual sermon by Becky Fischer teaching kids the various ways that God...
I Am a Spirit (Kids)
Becky Fischer teaches children about the difference between the natural world and the spirit...
Hearing God's Voice (Kids)
Becky teaches kids very simple but practical ways to learn to recognize it when God speaks to...
A Very High Calling
Ministry to children is too often minimized and downplayed in the Church, but it is a very high...
Doug Addison & Kid's Dreams
Doug Addison is Becky's guest on internet radio show RAISING SUPERNATURAL KIDS. He is...
Kids Who Heal the Sick
Becky Fischer interviews Barbie Hunt from the Healing Rooms in KY. Barbie trains children how to...
Kids Don't Have a Junior Holy Spirit
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Children do not have a junior Holy Spirit"? Becky...
PowerClubs Produce Power Kids
Pamela Ayres, the visionary who started PowerClubs in the nations for Kids in MInistry...
The Revival Generation
Becky Fischer interviews Daphne Kirk on RAISING SUPERNATURAL KIDS. Author of 23 books, and...
Who's Teaching the Babies
The Church nursery is about the last place any spiritual nurturing goes on. So God spoke to Dr....
Babies & Angelic Visitations
Elizabeth Nixon is Becky Fischer's guest on the radio show RAISING SUPERNATURAL KIDS....
What to Teach Children & Why
The traditional mindset in children’s ministry is to feed kids an unending, repetitious diet of...
What to Teach Children & Why
The traditional mindset in children’s ministry is to feed kids an unending, repetitious diet of...