
Trost Moving Pictures is an independent film studio created by award-winning director Tracy J Trost in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We have 3 films, 2 books, and a motivational podcast that will challenge and inspire you to live your life to its greatest potential.

Click here to get the bulk upload help.

FTP Files

No file available.

You may upload the files via a FTP client using the following instructions:
  1. Use any FTP client of your choosing (FileZilla, SmartFTP, or similar)
  2. Your FTP login is:
    • Host:
    • Username:
    • Password:
  3. Select the files you would like to update from you local machine.
  4. Upload the files.
  5. Come back to this page and click the "Refresh" button
  6. The select the files to bulk upload and click the "Bulk Upload" button